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How To Publish Poetry
A Monthly Lunch & Learn Series

Do you have a stack of poems just waiting to be organized into submissions? Or a manuscript that’s halfway there but needs … something? Learn the essential steps to getting published in this monthly Lunch & Learn series.
Join award-winning author Radha Marcum to get clear on what it takes to go from writing to publishing your poetry.
This poetry publishing lunch & learn series is for poets in any stage of the journey to publication. Learn:
How do I decide what to submit?
Where should I submit? Contests or …?
What are poetry publishers really looking for?
How do I create a standout manuscript?
Monthly on Wednesdays, Zoom
12:00-1:00pm MT (11-12 PT, 1-2 CT, 2-3 ET)
January 17
February 14
March 6
April 3
May 1
June 5
July 10
August 13
September 11
October 2
November 6
December 4
Let’s be honest. There’s a no-man’s land between writing and publishing poetry.
No, you aren’t imagining this gap.
Most poetry publishing advice out there is vague almost to the point of gaslighting: “Send out as many submissions as you can, as often as possible, and eventually you’ll get published. That’s what I did!” “Just spread the poems out on the floor and you’ll see how they fit together.”
I know. I got the same vague advice, and I had to learn how to publish poetry the hard way—through trial and error. Now I know: Getting poetry published isn’t easy, but it’s much easier when we get clear about what matters. We can approach publishing … dare I say? … strategically.
I’m Radha Marcum, author of two award-winning poetry collections—Bloodline (New Mexico Book Award, 2018) and Pine Soot Tendon Bone (Washington Prize, 2023). Along the way to getting those books out, I’ve kept a presence in journals like FIELD, West Branch, Pleiades, Gulf Coast, Bennington Review, Notre Dame Review, and Poetry Northwest—and the list keeps growing.
Honestly, it took longer than I wanted to reach that first big publishing milestone. But the process taught me a lot. My second book took just three years from the time I started drafting poems to when the manuscript was accepted for publication.
I’ve taught poetry and manuscript development part-time at colleges, community writing programs, conferences, and privately for 10+ years. Since 2017, I’ve coached writers working to publish in journals, or on poetry or hybrid-genre manuscripts. In 2021, I launched Poet to Poet, a newsletter and private community, and in 2023 I launched the Complete Manuscript Course.
Join me to learn what I wish I’d known earlier—and chart your path to publication.

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